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Input Mask <span class="new">NEW</span> - Minimal theme - eXtended CRUD & Data Management System
DEMO SITE v1.7.26

Input Mask NEW Minimal theme

Enhance your forms with dynamic input validation using the new Input Mask feature. Easily enforce specific data formats such as phone numbers, dates, or custom patterns, improving user input accuracy and reducing errors. This feature offers a customizable, user-friendly way to guide data entry while maintaining consistent formatting across your application.

	$xcrud = Xcrud::get_instance();	
    $xcrud->set_attr("checkNumber",array("data-inputmask"=>" 'mask' : '99-9999999'"));
    echo $xcrud->render();
    * Xcrud Configuration for Input Mask
    * This section configures the Xcrud instance and applies input masks to fields
    * using the Inputmask plugin. Below is a list of commonly used input mask formats.
    * Usage:
    * - Set the "data-inputmask" attribute with the desired mask pattern.
    * Example:
    * $xcrud->set_attr("field_name", array("data-inputmask" => "'mask': 'pattern'"));
    * Commonly Used Input Mask Formats:
    * 1. Phone Number
    *    - Format: (123) 456-7890
    *    - Mask: '999 999-9999'
    *    - Example:
    *      $xcrud->set_attr("phoneNumber", array("data-inputmask" => "'mask': '(999) 999-9999'"));
    * 2. Date (MM/DD/YYYY)
    *    - Format: 12/31/2024
    *    - Mask: '99/99/9999'
    *    - Example:
    *      $xcrud->set_attr("dateOfBirth", array("data-inputmask" => "'mask': '99/99/9999'"));
    * 3. Social Security Number (SSN)
    *    - Format: 123-45-6789
    *    - Mask: '999-99-9999'
    *    - Example:
    *      $xcrud->set_attr("ssn", array("data-inputmask" => "'mask': '999-99-9999'"));
    * 4. Zip Code (US)
    *    - Format: 12345 or 12345-6789
    *    - Mask: '99999[-9999]'
    *    - Example:
    *      $xcrud->set_attr("zipCode", array("data-inputmask" => "'mask': '99999[-9999]'"));
    * 5. Credit Card Number
    *    - Format: 1234 5678 9012 3456
    *    - Mask: '9999 9999 9999 9999'
    *    - Example:
    *      $xcrud->set_attr("creditCard", array("data-inputmask" => "'mask': '9999 9999 9999 9999'"));
    * 6. Currency
    *    - Format: $1,234.56
    *    - Mask: '$9999.99'
    *    - Example:
    *      $xcrud->set_attr("amount", array("data-inputmask" => "'mask': '$9999.99'"));
    * 7. Time (24-Hour Format)
    *    - Format: 14:30
    *    - Mask: '99:99'
    *    - Example:
    *      $xcrud->set_attr("time", array("data-inputmask" => "'mask': '99:99'"));
    * 8. Custom Alphanumeric
    *    - Format: AB-12345
    *    - Mask: 'AA-99999'
    *    - Example:
    *      $xcrud->set_attr("customField", array("data-inputmask" => "'mask': 'AA-99999'"));


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