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Field Formular<br>/String <span class="new">NEW</span> - Bootstrap theme - eXtended CRUD & Data Management System
DEMO SITE v1.7.26

Field Formular
/String NEW Bootstrap theme

Set formular on fields. Edit a record, input firstname and see as Assigned Email is generated.

    // Get an instance of the Xcrud class
    $xcrud = Xcrud::get_instance();	

    // Set the table to work with

    // Define which columns to display in the table
    // These columns will be shown in the table view

    // Define which fields are available for data entry or editing
    // These fields will be shown in the form view for adding/editing records

    // Set up a relation between the 'officeCode' field in the 'employees' table
    // and the 'officeCode' and 'city' fields in the 'offices' table
    $xcrud->relation("officeCode", "offices", "officeCode", "city");

    // Set up a dynamic formula for the 'email' field
    // When the 'onmouseout' event is triggered on the 'firstName' field,
    // the 'email' field will be populated with a concatenated and lowercased string
    // Format: firstName.toLowerCase() + "." + lastName.toLowerCase() + ""
        '"{firstName}".toLowerCase() + ".{lastName}".toLowerCase();',

    // Make the 'email' field readonly
    // This means the 'email' field cannot be edited by the user

    // Change the label of the 'email' field to 'Assigned Email'
    $xcrud->label("email", "Assigned Email");

    // Render the Xcrud instance to display the table and form
    // This will output the HTML needed to display the table and form on the web page
    echo $xcrud->render();	


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