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Bar Chart <span class="new">NEW <br> 1.7.27 </span> - Bootstrap theme - eXtended CRUD & Data Management System
DEMO SITE v1.7.26

Bar Chart NEW
Bootstrap theme

Simply create charts and bargraph

    height: 600px!important;


// Bar Chart Example - First Instance
$xcrud1 = Xcrud::get_instance();

    ['S24_2841', 'S24_3420', 'S24_3949', 'S24_4278', 'S32_4289', 'S50_1341'],  // Labels
    [ // Multiple datasets (even if there's just one)
            'label' => '# of Quantity Ordered',  // Dataset label
            'data' => '#select quantityOrdered from orderdetails where id IN (60,61,62,63,64,65)',  // Data points
            'backgroundColor' => 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 0.2)',  // Bar background color
            'borderColor' => 'rgba(255, 99, 132, 1)',  // Bar border color
            'borderWidth' => 1  // Border width
            'label' => '# Price of Order',  // Dataset label
            'data' => '#select priceEach from orderdetails where id IN (60,61,62,63,64,65)',  // Data points
            'backgroundColor' => 'rgba(30, 23, 132, 0.2)',  // Bar background color
            'borderColor' => 'rgba(30, 23, 132, 0.2)',  // Bar border color
            'borderWidth' => 1  // Border width
    'bar',  // Chart type (e.g., 'bar')
        'scales' => [
            'y' => ['beginAtZero' => true]  // Custom scale options
        'plugins' => [
            'legend' => ['display' => true]  // Custom plugin options (e.g., legend display)
    ]  // Custom options (e.g., scale settings, legend display)


echo $xcrud1->render();

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